Top 10k strings from Magic Mountain (1983)(Phipps Associates)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   8 BREAK=1000
   3 break=1000
   2 t|#D0$t|#,%$
   2 dL#xT$lp|a
   2 b$="I already have it!":
   2 E$=C$(CP):
   2 ;"through.":
   2 ;"The door";
   2 #|D$`|k~m~zw{xz|x
   2 #@H$q}#PF$vzyuuutk#<.$~|
   2  0200A21E12.K26O.
   1 ||y#U9#R9#O9 1O9#O9$|
   1 |#X*""xp}!uR+#X*""x
   1 | 6R1!jR8!nR1"
   1 {~|#tD$zxxzrzp|
   1 z|#M=$~|!p3D#t,$p||
   1 z#Y;$v|o}g{}~x
   1 z!HJ'!Hx@"
   1 x|swpzr|s~t
   1 xL#|@$dxX|d
   1 x$;"windy gulley."'"There is a fissure to my left   and a rope hangs within reach.  There is a small slit in the    ground by my feet.":
   1 x$;"store room. It is"'"filled with all sorts of rubbishthat has obviously been dumped  here by someone in a big hurry."''"The door behind me is closed.":
   1 x$;"rocky cavern."'"Here is a stall, where a witch  stands selling calfskin parch-  ments.":
   1 x$;"prop room."'"It is obvious to me that Wizardsmet here secretly, since there  are traces of powder, feathers  and a few decaying frogs legs   and bats wings.":
   1 x$;"narrow passage."
   1 x$;"musty cave."
   1 x$;"low passage.":
   1 x$;"long passage."'"The roof has fallen in towards  the south, ";"and I cannot go fur- ther that way."
   1 x$;"large vault."'"There is a heavy iron door em-  bedded in the rock wall."'"A message scratched on the wall reads: ""I ALWAYS RETURN""."  
   1 x$;"large cave."'"There is a small kiosk with a   dwarf inside. A poster outside  the kiosk reads:-"'" ""SCYTHES SOLD & FORTUNES TOLD"""'"He is cleaning his fingernails  with a curiously shaped dagger.":
   1 x$;"dark gully."
   1 x$;"cold cave."''"There is a pile of blankets on ashelf in one corner of the room."
   1 x$;"bamboo thicket."'"Sunlight filters through the    tall plants and shows up a huge steel door set into a rock wall to my left."
   1 x$;"Witches dungeon!"'"I can see a tiny window, a solidwooden door, and the floor is   paved stone slabs."
   1 x#p@$py|nyvtx#T>$x||r
   1 w~#1;${w|x~w{y
   1 w|zw~t{t{s!^K)"
   1 wish=wish+1
   1 win=score>1500
   1 v~y|yx#XH$~v
   1 t~wyv|#iE$
   1 score+" out of 1600"
   1 score)+("You have not scored anything yet"
   1 rJ#|H$xx|]#xD$@|t
   1 rJ#|H$px@|p
   1 rJ#|G$hw|_#hB$P|h
   1 rJ#|D$t|}z|w~y
   1 pzt{x|r~v~xwp
   1 ok=(b$=r$):
   1 o(x)=q(x):
   1 n=n+(y$=r$(y)):
   1 m$(room,x):
   1 m$(room,x)
   1 l|\tl|!a`H!`T4!e\,!e+,"
   1 l8#|,$v{v|h
   1 draw=(d$(1
   1 d0#l4$|t#p,$|
   1 d$="No hint here!"
   1 b$=b$+" go that way"
   1 b$=b$+" do that at present"
   1 b$=("You have scored "+
   1 b$="What shall I do now?":
   1 b$="What is your command, oh Master?"
   1 b$="There is also:":
   1 b$="There are 3 files to be saved":
   1 b$="I have with me:":
   1 b$="I don't understand that!":
   1 b$="I don't have "+o$(n):
   1 b$="I can't"
   1 b$="I can't carry any more!":
   1 b$="Do you want to try again?":
   1 b$="Do you want to save this game?":
   1 b$="Do you want to continue?":
   1 b$="Better drop something first.":
   1 b$="...Okay.":
   1 b$=" nothing at all.":
   1 b$=" - "+o$(x):
   1 b$=" - "+O$(X):
   1 Y$=A$(CP)(3
   1 W A21F12F06.D41Q.
   1 SCORE=SCORE+100
   1 PL00A02F04.E04O.
   1 OK=(O(N)=ROOM
   1 OK=(O(N)<0
   1 OK=(N=ROOM
   1 OK=(C(N)=1
   1 O(N)=O(N-1
   1 O(N)=O(N+1
   1 M$(ROOM,RP):
   1 I don't understand that!E
   1 I am in a o
   1 E$=A$(CP)(5
   1 C(N)=C(N)-1
   1 C(M)=C(M)-1
   1 C(G)=C(G)-1
   1 BX01ST02CN03HT04SH06PE08SC09CP10BT11SL12LZ13SP14BK15MT16LP23PC18SW19FL20KY21OA22BO17BL26HT05SH07LP24BX25
   1 BREAK=1100
   1 B$="Press any key to save next file":
   1 B$="I don't have it!":
   1 B$="I can't carry any more.":
   1 B$="...Okay.":
   1 A wooden casket
   1 A hint for you:
   1 ;"way out";
   1 ;"river.";
   1 ;"of the";
   1 ;"mountain.";
   1 ;"locks mar-";
   1 ;"locked - I";
   1 ;"leads down":
   1 ;"knotted";
   1 ;"ked 1,2,3.":
   1 ;"jammed. I";
   1 ;"is totally";
   1 ;"is not";
   1 ;"is flowing";
   1 ;"in the";
   1 ;"has three";
   1 ;"hangs down":
   1 ;"extremely";
   1 ;"cannot go";
   1 ;"can walk";
   1 ;"blankets";
   1 ;"be a hole";
   1 ;"appears to";
   1 ;"There are three files to load.":
   1 ;"The water";
   1 ;"The ravine base";
   1 ;"The only";
   1 ;"The lock";
   1 ;"The foot";
   1 ;"The Maze":
   1 ;"The Inner Temple":
   1 ;"Start the tape & press a key":
   1 ;"Press a key":
   1 ;"Press a key to scroll...":
   1 ;"Press a key to continue...":
   1 ;"Press a key to continue":
   1 ;"Press ANY key":
   1 ;"Good luck!"
   1 ;"Gaoler's";
   1 ;"Do you wish to LOAD a previouslySAVE'd game?":
   1 ;"Chamber.";
   1 ;"Are you starting a new game?":
   1 ;"A wide";
   1 ;"A wet cave":
   1 ;"A tunnel";
   1 ;"A rope of";
   1 ;"A rock face":
   1 ;"A path goes "
   1 ;"A hidden";
   1 ;"A door with 3 locks"
   1 ;"A cave entrance":
   1 1983 Phipps Associates
   1 )="An uncorked bottle":
   1 )="A corked bottle":
   1 );"but a small path has been created by what may have   been a thunderbolt."
   1 );"I can feel a draught coming froma small wooden trapdoor in the  floor.":
   1 );"A rope hangs down from above andI can easily reach it."
   1 )+room*(o(19
   1 ))+("closed."
   1 ("Lock ";x;" uses key:");
   1 '"There is just enough light to   fumble along towards a dim glow at either end."
   1 '"The lantern lets me see that    the walls are covered in a dry  reddish-brown substance.":
   1 '"The door is "+("open."
   1 '"Strange runes on the wall seem  to make me feel nervous. They   look as though they were carved into the rock untold ages ago.":
   1 '"Some of the slabs have been"'"lifted revealing a small tunnel."
   1 '"Is it just the wind or do I feela slight prickling of the hairs on the back of my neck?"
   1 '"I can feel a draught coming"'"through a rectangular shape in  the northern wall."
   1 '"A tunnel to the east contains   the body of a dead dragon, but  I can still get through.":
   1 '"A southerly passage seems omin- ously quiet."
   1 $||||#N-$|
   1 #|I$y~w|t{#EH$
   1 #H@$\|#H<$
   1 #<B$|_#HB$|j
   1 #4H$t|#<D$|]#X8$p||
   1 #4D$~]#8I$}X#hD$z]#`H${Y#L%$~
   1 "Your aggressive intentions are  anticipated by him and he leaps out of the kiosk, stabbing me   with a berserk fury!"
   1 "You've already bought it."
   1 "You'll need a stick or something"
   1 "You'll have to work harder than this to get any help from me!"
   1 "You need to be fortunate to knowwhat today's secret code is..."
   1 "You need money to buy anything."
   1 "You must use your keys wisely - tell me which key fits which    lock..."
   1 "You managed to get the Scroll   and come out of the Mountain in one piece! Next time, though,   please try not to shout at me   quite so loudly - my ears aren'tintended to suffer 120 decibel  blasts! Just a gentle tap on my keys is quite sufficient."
   1 "You have just jammed the lock   beyond further use. Better try  looking elsewhere for now."
   1 "Who do you think I am? Madame   Seesall?"
   1 "What? Is it 8 o'clock already? Ireally must get this alarm clockfixed."
   1 "What a din! My footsteps in thatlast corridor were so loud that I've woken the dragon - he's    just turned me to toast!"
   1 "Try dropping objects to make    each passage seem different..."
   1 "To the east is a dark passage   and I can hear the heavy breath of a rather large dragon which Iwould prefer not to meet!":
   1 "This machine only accepts gold  coins, I'm afraid."
   1 "This is the bottom of a vast    ravine. My voice echoes all"'"around, making it an eeery placeto be. Another voice whispers   ""BEWARE!"" in my ear.":
   1 "The witch takes your coin and   offers you a parchment."
   1 "The spider lunges at my hand as I bend down, but I was quick    enough to avoid it. However, I  am unable to pick it up."
   1 "The spider bit me! I have been  fatally wounded!"
   1 "The slabs are extremely heavy,  but I've managed to do it. Hey! Look! There's a small tunnel    that I may be able to crawl
   1 "The scythe slices through the   bamboo and a long cane falls to the ground."
   1 "The path is already cleared!"
   1 "The parchment reads ""PHOOEY"" -  honestly it does!"
   1 "The lock is incurably jammed."
   1 "The lizard scurries off into    some cracks in the ground."
   1 "The lizard jumps out, eats the  spider and disappears."
   1 "The lizard jumps into the cosy  casket I am holding."
   1 "The lizard is too slippery for  me to catch...Oh, blow! It's    vanished into a crack in the wall!"
   1 "The lizard doesn't like my warm hands!"
   1 "The genie looks skyward and says""Easy peasy! You could have madeit something more interesting...anyway, the deed is done"". He   fades until I can no longer see him."
   1 "The force is nullified by your  intensely powerful Majic!"
   1 "The dwarf says ""Your luck charm for the day is '"+r$+"'"""
   1 "The dwarf says ""Thanks"", takes  your money and offers you one ofhis fine scythes."
   1 "The dragon has heard me! I'll   run back out of the passage and give you time to think of some  other way past."
   1 "The coin's mystical trail seems to have vanished. I cannot
   1 "The chain of blankets is hangingdown the edge of the crevasse."
   1 "The carpet is only ever used by genuine Wizards who wear auth-  entic clothing and know the
   1 "The carpet begins to rise gently- Hang on! I'm moving now!"
   1 "The bottle smashes and a hideousgenie appears from a white mist and strangles me."
   1 "The book reads ""RISE AND SHINE""."
   1 "The boat crashes into some rocksand I fall into the swirling    waters! I am drowning!"
   1 "The blankets are knotted and canbe used as a very strong rope"
   1 "The Mountain's powerful forces  combine and blast me with a
   1 "Perhaps you should tell me if I should be pulling or pushing!"
   1 "Paths go "
   1 "PHOOEY to you too! I could
   1 "Magic Car
   1 "It's too dark, really."
   1 "It's already dead."
   1 "I only wish I could do that..."
   1 "I need to find a way of clearingthe path to the south."
   1 "I caught the dragon unaware and managed to strike a fatal blow! It is now dead."
   1 "I can't read the words - they   seem fuzzy and indistinct."
   1 "I can't go that way since the   lock on the door has been well  and truly jammed (you fool!)."
   1 "I can only sense the mystical   trail left by the coin when it  has been spent."
   1 "I can only do that by sensing   the coin's mystical trail."
   1 "I can just manage to reach the  rope."
   1 "I am on the southern edge of a  vast crevasse. There is a ven-  ding machine here!"
   1 "I am on the northern edge of a  vast crevasse. It is too wide   and gloomy for me to see the    other side."''"A chain of knotted blankets is  hanging down over the edge."
   1 "I am on the north bank of a wideriver. To the west is the ScrollBearer's path."
   1 "I am at the edge of a fissure.":
   1 "How singularly uninteresting."
   1 "HOW STUPID! Killing the dragon  without a weapon! It has burnt  me to a frazzle!"
   1 "Can't you see? It's not locked!"
   1 "Are you trying to make me open  this steel door?"
   1 "Answer YES or NO:";
   1 "An evil force prevents me from  going any further."
   1 "A stealthy thrust!"
   1 "A rope hangs just out of my
   1 "A rectangular shape sounds as ifit could be a door!"
   1 "A genie appears in a white mist,bows to me and says ""Oh Master, I may grant thee one wish!""
   1 "''"You must try to enter the Moun- tain and recover the ancient    Scroll of Wisdom."'" Guide me with short sentences  such as GET THE SHOES. Direct meusing NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP or DOWN."
   1 """What a crummy wish! I can't be bothered with an ignoramus like you!"" and he vanishes in a puff of smoke that has a rather
   1 """Don't you dare!"" snarls the    dwarf. ""You'll only steal one   over my dead body!"""
   1 " You can see your score by
   1 " I know many words (over 70!)   e.g.: GET, DROP, LOOK, LIST, USEQUIT."
   1 " As this is a long game, you maysave it on tape when you quit."''
   1  remember where I came from..."
   1  ferocity unknown to man!"
   1  familiar and unpleasant smell."
   1  entering SCORE - the top score  is 1600."
   1  easily fall out with you if you carry on like this..."
   1  correct spells."
   1  What do you think Tarzan would  do to get across the ravine in  these circumstances?"
   1  WRSHD06F06.H06E06L.
   1  WRHTD04F07.H04E07L.
   1  USSTA10B02F08.E08D02G0608M.
   1  USPCB18.D21M.
   1  USMTB23B16.J16E03H23L.
   1  USCNA20B03F11.J03F13I16E11O.
   1  USCNA05F05B03.J03I09E05F13D27M.   USBOA29D17.K28O.
   1  USBOA28D17D22.K29O.
   1  USBOA28D17C22.D19Q.
   1  USBKF07D15.D03M.
   1  USBKE07D15.D04M.
   1  US00A20F11.D12M.
   1  US00A02B09F17.E17I02D26M.
   1  UNBTD11F09.E09S77M.
   1  UL00A26F15.S65M.
   1  UL00A26.D18M.
   1  The Scroll of Wisdom!   A 
   1  TLFO.D45M.
   1  Spectrum Version
   1  Some knotted blankets
   1  SW00A12.K10O.
   1  SW00A10E08.K12O.
   1  SR00.S72M.
   1  Revised by Trevor Toms 22/4/83
   1  RCRPA10F08.D01M.
   1  PH00A30.D22E16M.
   1  PH00.D23M.
   1  OT00A32.K02O.
   1  OPDRA35.K27O.
   1  OPDRA34.K24O.
   1  OPDRA27.K35O.
   1  OPBXD25B14.D06J25J14B01M.
   1  OPBXD25.D07J25B01M.
   1  OPBXD01.D08M.
   1  MVPTA18F10.D10M.
   1  MVPTA18.D11M.
   1  LTLPB23F02.D01M.
   1  LFFLA34F23.E23D40M.
   1  LF00A14.K17O.
   1  KNBLB26F20.E20D35H26M.
   1  KLDWA05.D51Q.
   1  KLDGA21F12C19.D15Q.
   1  KLDGA21F12B19.D14E12M.
   1  KLDGA21E12.D16M.
   1  IN00A02E04.S66K32O.
   1  He looks a bit thick, but I'd   better humour him. Let me know  what your wish should be..."
   1  GTSPB14.D05Q.
   1  GTSCA05F05.D53M.
   1  GTLZB13C01.S69M.
   1  GTLZB13B01.D30J13J01B25E18M.
   1  GTCNA32B03.B03L.
   1  GTBTB11B14.D09M.
   1  GTBLA14F19.B26E19L.
   1  GT00.S70L.
   1  FW00.S67M.
   1  FLSNA20D10.S68K19O.
   1  FLSNA19D10.S68K20O.
   1  FLSNA15E07D10.S68K12O.
   1  FLSNA12E07D10.S68K10O.
   1  FLSN.D25M.
   1  DWTLA05.D44M.
   1  DRSHD07.H06F06C06L.
   1  DRHTD05.H04F07C04L.
   1  DRBTB11F09.D24Q.
   1  DRBLA19B27E20.D36E21J27M.
   1  DR00.S71L.
   1  CR00A34E23.K25O.
   1  CL00A37.K19O.
   1  CL00A23.K24O.
   1  CL00A19E21.K37O.
   1  By Mike Farley
   1  BYSCA05.D01M.
   1  BYPCA22F14B03.D37J03I18E14F13M.   BYPCA22F14C03.D01M.
   1  BYPCA22E14.D17M.
   1  A12.E25N.
   1  A10F25E08G06.D50G0610N.
   1  A10F25E08.T06.
   1  A02F04G07.S64N.
   1  A02F04.T07.
   1  A shining lantern
   1  A rather sharp scythe   A Majic Carpet!
   1  A portable dinghy
   1  A parchment of spells   Firebeater, the Sword!  A stone slab
   1  A long bamboo cane
   1  A lizard in a casket    A pile of blankets
   1  A deadly spider!
   1  A corked bottle
   1  A brass lantern
   1  A book of magic words   A box of matches
   1  A Wizard's hat (worn)   A pair of soft shoes    A pair of shoes (worn)  A quill pen
   1  A Wizard's hat
   1  3 keys labelled A,B,C   A pair of oars
   1  2L8#M<#L<#K<"
   1  0600A12.K14O.
   1  0600A09.K15O.
   1  0600A04.K05O.
   1  0500A17.K14O.
   1  0400A29B12.S76N.
   1  0400A29.D28Q.
   1  0300A30E16.K29O.
   1  0300A30C12.K29O.
   1  0300A30.D20M.
   1  0300A18E10.K19O.
   1  0200A21F12.D13M.
   1  0100A26E22.K27O.
   1    ****  Magic Mountain  ****   
   1     Magic Mountain